Soil Testing
Exact knowledge about the geological structure of the substratum is a crucial factor in the evaluation of subsoil and its utilization in various construction projects. The foundation of structures, the construction of traffic roads or foundation pits can be taken as an example here.
Geologically sound exploration is also indispensable in the evaluation of raw material deposits and when considering environmentally relevant questions.
It is important to specifically determine the extent and quality of the subsoil investigation required for each project in order to answer all the open geotechnical questions by employing suitable equipment and well-versed experts.
A soils report may be required depending on the type of structure, loads and location of the structure. The report gives understanding of earth conditions affecting a building. They are required in areas with expansive or low strength soils.
Soils reports are obtained before construction begins. The engineer who designs the foundation uses the soils report in determining what kind of foundation design to use. In this way, problems such as differential settling over time can be avoided. There are various methods used to test soil in preparing a report. These include drilling core samples, driving steel rods into the soil to determine density and the presence of rock, test pits and the use of a seismograph.